Tae kwon do
Lifelong learning starts at Doodle Bugs! It’s why we offer programs like Tae Kwon Do that build the foundation for confidence, creativity, communication and much more for years to come. Plus, it’s really fun!

High-Energy Learning
Preschool and Pre-K children develop balance, coordination and gross motor skills through running, jumping and kicking exercises. It’s the perfect way to nurture healthy habits and a positive attitude toward physical activity. Children enjoy an age-specific program with a low student to teacher ratio while burning off excess energy!

Developing Powerful Life Skills
The core principles of Tae Kwon Do fit in seamlessly with the Doodle Bug! mission, vision and philosophy.
Social Emotional
Children are guided to use their listening skills and take turns with their friends.
Creative Arts
Children embrace being the center of attention for small moments at a time.
Children explore the basic principles of speed and reaction time.
During practice, children count together as they demonstrate their front, side and back kicks.
Language Arts
Hearing their instructors also count in Korean, children are experiencing language development while embracing a new culture.
Supports gross motor development as kicks and jumps use movement as a form of healthy expression.

Music Rocks!
Children get to explore professional instruments, sing, dance and create their own music through guided sessions with music therapy professionals.

Discover Our Child-Centered Curriculum
Whether it’s on a tabletop, at the easel, in the blocks center, in the dramatic play area, or on the floor, we invite children to learn in ways that are most comfortable for them. See how our classrooms are designed to encourage learning through play.