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February 4, 2014

Team Tuesday Issue #187

February Employee of the MonthTT(1)

Michael Phillips, Teacher Assistant – Greece Location

Michael Phillips is an integral part of the Greece center’s staff. Over the last six months, Michael has gone out of his way to get to know all the students in the building and makes an effort to address every child he sees by name.

On countless occasions, he’s taken the initiative to keep the center running smoothly and was also the first Greece employee to don the Mr. Doodle Bug costume. He is a leader, consistently ensures the children are safe at all times and is always willing and accepting of any tasks given to him. The Greece team is extremely proud of his recognition as Employee of the Month. He is a key to the new center’s growing success, and he exudes our C.A.R.E principles in every way.

Thank you, Michael, for all of your hard work!
