February 14, 2012
Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue #98
In today’s edition of Team Tuesday, we are happy to announce that Lisa Schmitt, a valued member of the Cheektowaga teaching team, has been named Employee of the Month for February 2012.
Lisa Schmitt, 5 years
Toddler Teacher, Cheektowaga center
“How beautiful a day can be
When kindness touches it!” ~George Elliston
Lisa’s passion for teaching is perfectly complemented by her talent for working with toddlers, resulting in a terrific early childhood experience for the children in her care. Her kindness touches families’ hearts and eases their minds.
Center Director, Carly Bruce, remarks that families touring the center “receive such a warm welcome and such a great impression that they are immediately impressed with Lisa’s room.” Currently enrolled families share this sentiment; they frequently express their appreciation for the warm, nurturing care and high quality education that their children receive in Lisa’s classroom.
Mr. Doodle Bug wholeheartedly agrees – he appreciates Lisa’s kindness and generosity of spirit. Many thanks, Lisa, for going above and beyond to make sure every family feels ‘at home’ at the center. The doodle community is truly a better place because you CARE.