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December 8, 2015

Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue 241

Every month, we select a Doodle Bugs! team member who exemplifies our CARE values– Commitment, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. This month, we are honoring Kelsey Short, an Assistant Teacher at our Orchard Park, NY location.

A valued member of the doodle team, Kelsey consistently demonstrates enthusiasm, professionalism, and a “can-do!” attitude.

kelsey short


Colleagues greatly appreciate Kelsey’s flexibility and her interest in helping others, commenting: “Kelsey is always willing to lend a hand, with a smile on her face!”

Whether she is assisting with front desk operations, facilitating fun-filled activities in the classroom, or helping to orient a new team member, Kelsey takes her responsibilities seriously and gives 100% effort to the task at hand. Through participation in this year’s Leadership 101 course and the mentoring program, Kelsey makes professional development a priority – she works hard to build leadership skills that ultimately benefit the entire team.

Thank you, Kelsey, for your commitment to Doodle Bugs! mission; the doodle community is truly a better place because you CARE.