July 6, 2010
Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue #23
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality.”
– John Lennon
It is always a pleasure to recognize a teaching team that works beautifully together, sharing a vision for the best possible early care and education. Today, we are proud to highlight Brianna & Sarah and Cassie & Lyndsi, teaching teams from the Orchard Park and Webster centers, respectively.
Brianna & Sarah, Orchard Park Center
“I wanted to let you know how much we’ve loved having Brianna and Sarah as Nathan’s teachers. They’ve been so kind and attentive with him. I’ve been thrilled with Brianna & Sarah’s enthusiastic collaboration with Nathan’s speech therapist Jessie, I think he has a great team. ” –Amanda Z., parent of Nathan
Cassie & Lyndsi, Webster Center
“Cassie and Lydsi are exceptional child care providers. They are kind, friendly and obviously have a real love for children. They are patient and loving and have a great sense of humor. When my daughter doesn’t want to leave for the day, it’s a credit to them!” — Colleen & Mike, parents of Sage
Thank you, Brianna, Sarah, Cassie and Lyndsi, for your obvious commitment to building relationships with children and their families. The doodle community is a better place because you CARE.