May 5, 2011
Doodle Bugs! Employee of the Month: May 2011
We are proud to announce that Holly Seiler, Center Assistant at our Penfield center, has been selected as Employee of the Month for May 2011.
“Excellence is not an accomplishment.
It is a spirit, a never-ending process.”
– Lawrence M. Miller
Holly’s efforts to both ‘do things right’ and ‘do the right things’ make her a tremendous asset to the Penfield team. Families and faculty members alike appreciate that she is responsible, reliable, and responsive.
Every interaction with Holly provides evidence of her commitment to building a community of happy children, happy parents and happy teachers. She approaches every responsibility with professionalism and enthusiasm – her warm welcome and personal attention helps everyone start their ‘doodle day’ off on a positive note.
Many thanks, Holly, for a job well done. The doodle community is truly a better place because you CARE.