March 8, 2018
Meet Andre Berrios: March Employee of the Month!
While our teachers are the pulse of our Doodle Bugs! centers, there are so many other team members that are a vital part of every day. Mr. Andre is our Maintenance Specialist and has been on our team for 18 years! Every day, Andre always goes above and beyond the many responsibilities within his role. From making repairs at each of our centers to snow plowing and landscaping each property. In short, he does it all. We appreciate that he is reliable and always driven by excellence.
Over the years, Andre has won the hearts of so many children in all of our centers. Even though Andre’s responsibilities make for some very busy days, he always finds the time to make a moment with the children.
Recently, Mr. Andre was working on the phone system in one of our centers. While doing this, he invited the children in the classrooms to help him test the phones by calling the front desk for him. This simple engagement made the children feel so special and engaged. It’s no wonder Mr. Andre receives celebrity treatment when he arrives at a center.
We are grateful to have Andre on our team and truly appreciate his generous, hard-working attitude.