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February 27, 2016

Unit 5 Curriculum Resources

Unit 5, “Let’s Explore”, is all about tapping into the creativity and imagination that each of your children have to offer every single day! This resource is intended to provide you with additional information, guides, and options for facilitation in your classroom.

  • Developmental Goals and Objectives – Unit 5What are children learning and why are they learning it? This resource is intended to  provide additional insight into the curriculum concept map– which can be found in  your 2015-2016 Curriculum Implementation Manual.
  • Infant & 1YO Yoga Guide – Unit 5 This resource is intended to provide teachers of infants and 1 YO children with yoga games, activities, and poses to incorporate into their daily routine.
  • Infant Sign Language – Unit 5 Research shows that children who experience sign language are more likely to develop communication skills sooner. This resource has additional ASL tips and signs.
  • Unit 5 Art and Craft Guide– Children of all ages enjoy art! This resource is filled with open art activities, as well as supplemental crafts.
  • Unit 5- Yoga GuideThis yoga guide is intended to provide teachers of Toddlers and Children who are 3+ with yoga games, activities, and poses to incorporate into their daily routine.
  • HWT – Unit 5 This “Handwriting Without Tears” guide introduces students to the letters A, M, N, V, & W. 
  • Preschool Math_Unit 5- Preschool children will build competence in understanding measurable attributes, more/less, same/different, sorting and 2D shape recognition. Children will also develop the concept of 3D shape recognition.
  • PreK_Math_ Unit 5 – Unit 5- Pre-K children will build competence in previously developed math concepts, as well as develop an understanding of patterning.