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January 2, 2016

Unit 4 Yoga Guide for Toddlers, Preschool, Pre-K, & School Age

The Toddler, Preschool, Pre-K and School Age Yoga Guide for Unit 4 is available at the link below:

Unit 4- Yoga Guide

This link also includes the Unit 1-3 yoga guides as well. You will need to revisit previously introduced poses in order to extend them into the suggested songs, games, and activities presented in this unit 4 guide.


The objective of Unit 4 is for your students to have meaningful yoga experiences during each and every doodle day. This will happen in your classroom by…

  • Integrating yoga into your daily routine. At a minimum, you will notice that yoga is required during the afternoon Happy Hour in each daily lesson plan, and is recommended as a transition tool during the pre-nap routine. Feel free to sprinkle yoga sessions in several times a day!
  • Using the poses and links included in each unit guide to help you in planning and leading each session during Happy Hour (as well as other areas in the day as you choose).
  • Easing into a yoga routine by starting with slow, brief sessions, that focus on just one pose at a time with lots of language, praise, and guidance from you!.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your Director for clarification!!