November 14, 2013
Refresh Your Phrases!
Contributed by Jennifer Horner, Education Specialist
I came across the blog post below that offered a list of frequently used phrases when talking to children. I loved it because the list includes links that explain the why behind each one.
The author notes that “Each of these originated in its own way: some suggestions from friends and colleagues, others, the result of conferences I’ve attended or readings I’ve done. Still others have grown organically out of my personal interactions with young children.”
As a teacher, you have a collection of wisdom that is uniquely yours. It is not suggested that you begin to use this list exclusively. Instead, listen to what speaks to you as you read and reflect on your own classroom. Can you pinpoint a moment where one of them might have come in handy today? Do you already use similar phrases but never really thought about the why behind them? Check out the link below: