August 10, 2010
Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue #27
Our program’s success relies heavily on a strong home/school connection. In fact, that bond between children, families and teachers is the cornerstone of our mission – to build a community of happy children, happy parents and happy teachers.
We understand that parents are children’s first teachers and invite families to share their traditions, hobbies and interests with the entire doodle community. Today, we’re proud to feature Emily’s dad, SSG. Abril, who facilitated an amazing ‘Hometown Heroes’ event at our Cheektowaga Center.
SSG. Abril and his colleague, Sgt. Crown, brough G.I. Johnny to the center to present information about manners, patriotism, fitness and hard work. Children prepared for the visit by enjoying reading patriotic-themed picture books in their classrooms, then headed out to the playground to join G.I. Johnny in a military-style march. The event also included a fun game of Simon Says (led by G.I. Johnny, of course!) and an opportunity to sing the national anthem with classmates and teachers.
Thanks so much, SSG. Abril and Sgt. Crown, for inviting our students to participate in this terrific event. The doodle community is a better place because of you!