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June 2, 2015

Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue # 228

In today’s edition of Team Tuesday, we are happy to feature Casey Karger, a preschool teacher at the McCandless location who has been selected as the June 2015 Employee of the Month.

With a natural talent for music and a positive can-do attitude, Casey adds joy to everyone’s doodle day. 

Co-workers and managers appreciate that they can count on Casey to reliably lend a helping hand, with a smile on his face the entire time! 

Children and families equally appreciate their relationships with Casey — he makes a personal connection with every child and prioritizes good, ongoing communication with parents.

Casey has also recently taken on a leadership role as “Farmer Casey” — the center’s resident garden guru! He’s enhancing the educational program by coordinating center-wide efforts for children to plan, plant, and tend to their seedlings.

Many thanks, Casey, for your genuine commitment to building a community of happy children, happy parents, and happy teachers. You are an asset to the doodle team!