October 28, 2014
Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue #211
For this week’s edition of Team Tuesday, we would like to highlight Jillian Murtha, a teacher assistant from our Orchard Park location.
Jillian possesses a genuine love and affection for all children, and is a natural with toddlers. She comes in to work every day with a smile on her face, and a can-do attitude. Center director Sara Utech said that just today, when Jillian came into the building and saw her kiddo’s waiting to enter the indoor gym for Doodle Dance, she instantly dropped down in front of them to give out a bunch of warm hugs!
Jillians is also extremely creative and loves to help the center with their displays during events. Entering her classroom, you also immediately see her artistic touches and creativity.
So thank you, Jillian, for your positivity, loving nature, and dedication to your center and team. Our doodle community is a better place because you CARE!