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May 13, 2014

Doodle Bugs! Team Tuesday: Issue #195

Toni LaMantiaToni_L

Lead Toddler Teacher, East Amherst Center

Miss. Toni is a teacher who has been with Doodle Bugs! for a year now. She has shown tremendous dedication to the children in her classroom and is constantly striving to be the best she can be. During the course of this year, Toni has demonstrated that she is a leader, takes the initiative to ask for help when she needs it, and does not hesitant to implement new ideas in her classroom.

Center Director, Kate Lew, says that “Toni always has a smile on her face and never backs down from a challenge.”

Most recently, Toni has presented at our annual conference, and shared her talents with the entire Doodle Bugs! team.

So thank you Toni, for your leadership, dedication and genuine commitment to our mission. The doodle community is a better place because you CARE!
