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February 18, 2013

Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 2/18/13

Everyone – floater, lead teacher, assistant, director, administrator, etc.  shares responsibility for children’s safety. This week’s SOTW reminds us, specifically, that every team member is responsible for making sure that a child is never unattended.

For children’s safety, keep the following in mind:

  • It is your responsibility to understand & implement the Child Alert Card system. Have questions? Please ask today!
  • Children may never be left unattended, not even for a minute.
  • Whenever children are leaving the classroom/playroom/playground, teachers must count and recount.
  • When lining up, check restrooms, play structures and all potential hiding spots.
  • When you reach your destination (classroom/playroom/playground), count and recount, using your Alert Cards.

The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mail-slot.

View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: Count and Recount