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February 4, 2013
Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 2/04/13
This week’s SOTW reminds faculty to make rest time developmentally appropriate.
For Infants:
- Infants are placed on their backs to sleep, in a crib, unless they have a physician’s note.
- Cribs must be at least 2 feet apart when occupied; rocking cribs is prohibited.
- Infants have individualized, personalized schedules for every thing, including naps.
- Be sure sleeping babies do not cover their faces with blankets.
For All Ages:
- Soft music
- Personal attention
- Activity choices
- Appropriate lighting
- Consistency
- Active supervision
The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mail-slot.
View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: Rest Time