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December 17, 2012

Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 12/17/12

This week’s SOTW reminds team members (and families) not to hold the door for anyone. This reminder is sadly timely, considering last week’s tragedy in Connecticut.

Our ‘Safety First’ mentality requires strict compliance with the policies, procedures, and systems that we have in place. Center directors and faculty are reminded of the following:

  • Do NOT buzz someone in if you do not know him/her. Meet the individual at the door, ask for identification, THEN decide if it’s appropriate to let him/her in.
  • Ask for photo ID when you do not know someone. This applies at the front entry (before being buzzed in), at the front desk, and in the classrooms – never assume that someone else has identified the person. Be cautious – families will appreciate your concern.
  • Take School Leader photos of parents and guardians, without exception.
  • Require that all vendors sign in (Fruit Fresh Up, US Food, service techs, etc.) – even for recurring deliveries. Vendors, like any visitor, need to present photo ID if the individual is unfamiliar to you. Also, do not give the combination of locked doors to vendors; open the doors for them, as needed.
  • Know your families. When you have a relationship with each parent and guardian, knowing them by face and by name, it eliminates “he looked familiar” as a reason for letting someone in the building.
  • Conduct evacuation drills per the required procedures – use alternate routes, vary time of day, etc.

The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mailslot.

View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: Do Not Hold The Door