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July 30, 2012

Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 07/30/12

This week’s SOTW reminds team members that the following items cannot be stored under classroom sinks:

  • Plastic bags
  • Paper products of any kind (ex: paper towels, diapers, construction paper)
  • Anything that can absorb liquids (ex: sheets, extra smocks, etc.)
  • Items with a chemical base (ex: cleaning products, solvents, paints other than the ones we purchase, soap, shaving cream, etc.)
  • Any items that will make direct contact with a child’s skin
  • Food or food products, including beverages

The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mailslot.

View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: Under Sink Storage