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July 16, 2012

Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 07/16/12

This week’s SOTW reminds teachers of our responsibilities regarding ‘sun safety’ – namely, to use sunscreen properly and to keep children hydrated.

Sunscreen specifics:

  • Be sure sunscreen bottles are labeled and stored out of children’s reach.
  • Sunscreen must be provided by parents & requires written permission (included on enrollment contract). Document each use in the application log.
  • Use a fresh pair of disposable gloves to apply each child’s sun-screen. Do not share sunscreen.
  • Apply sunscreen as the children arrive (not the entire group all at once!).
  • Re-apply sunscreen in the afternoon & after water play.


  • Make fresh, cold drinking water available all day long. Children should never have to wait for a drink — “feeling thirsty” can be a sign that you are already slightly dehydrated!
  • Limit sun exposure by alternating play in shaded areas.

The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mailslot.

View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: 071612_Sun Safety