June 11, 2012
Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 06/11/12
This week’s SOTW focuses on the importance of Safety. Cultivating a ‘Safety First’ mentality in your entire team requires your constant attention. Please monitor your classrooms with very critical eyes, to avoid potentially serious injuries.
Infant teachers, assistants, and floaters, please note:
- Use the gate when entering or exiting the gate system – without exception.
- Use both hands when moving infant equipment such as exersaucers or bouncy chairs. It is not acceptable to move equipment while holding a child in your arms. It puts you and the child at risk.
- Equipment, chairs, large boxers, etc. should not be lifted or carried over a child. Walk or carry items around the child.
- Avoid changing the design of the gate system. It is ‘purpose designed.’
The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mailslot. It’s important for EVERY classroom to read this SOTW because (1) every team member needs to be reminded of our ‘Safety First’ promise and (2) teachers in older classrooms can be an extra set of eyes and keep infant team members on their toes. As always, thank you for your attention to these important doodle details!
View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: Infant Safety