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May 29, 2012

Doodle Bugs! Standard of the Week: 05/28/12

This week’s SOTW reminds teachers about our expectations for developmentally appropriate rest times.

For toddlers, preschool, pre-k:

  • Rest time does not begin before 12:30. Please do not put out mats/cots or turn off lights before that time.
  • After lunchtime cleanup, return chairs to the tables so children can enjoy table-top activities.
  • At this point in the year, most pre-k and many preschool children need shorter rest times. Please be responsive.

For infants:

  • BACK TO SLEEP: Infants are placed on their backs to sleep, unless they have  a physician’s note.
  • SCHEDULES: Infants have individual, personalized schedules for everything, including naps.
  • BE ALERT: Be sure sleeping babies do not cover their faces with blankets.
  • LIGHTS: At least one set of lights should be on at all times.

The SOTW will be posted for parents to see, in the faculty lounge, and placed in each classroom’s mailslot. As always, thank you for your attention to these important doodle details!

View the current SOTW as a .pdf here: 052812_Rest Time